
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat; it just made him more aware of his surroundings. Why aren’t we more curious about life? Being curious about life is an act of Being in the Process of Becoming a Better Person. When we’re curious, we tend to listen more, observe nonjudgmentally, and open ourselves to different opinions. When we choose to be curious, we choose to be open to learning something new. There’s a vulnerability in learning something new because it’s unknown to us. As adults, we sometimes only practice and build upon the truths that we already know. However, we shouldn’t let fear of vulnerability hinder us from being curious, because we can control our fear and where it takes us. We can’t learn anything new about ourselves if we don’t choose to be curious. Of course, it’s more comfortable to keep living with the knowledge we already have. But when we do this, we neglect the curiosity we all had as children. We must challenge ourselves to open our eyes, learn from others, and return to that curious little child inside of each of us, who just wanted to learn something new about life.     

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